For Business Owners
Alta specializes in helping middle-sized companies realize their potential. Whether we participate as a minority partner or are entrusted by previous owners to lead the next stage for the company, we bring all of our resources to bear on our portfolio companies. Alta’s team has helped companies institutionalize, expand geographically, obtain leadership positions in the market, and unlock margin efficiencies. We have done so both as operators and as private equity investors.
Criteria & Approach
We approach companies whose sales range from US$15m to +US$120m and operate mainly in Mexico. Target companies are typically at the expansion/growth stage of development that
Our investment can have the objective of financing growth, making add-on acquisitions, consolidating minority shareholders, providing liquidity to owners and/or funding management buyouts.
At Alta, we like to partner with experienced business owners and management teams with clear strategic visions and compelling business plans. We ensure that the terms create a win-win situation
Value add

Contact Us
Bosque de Duraznos 127, 5th floor,
Bosques de las Lomas,
Mexico City, Mexico. 11700.